Alma Lobo is pleased to present to you the world-renowned photographer Gianni Bulacio, a true native of the Andes. Through his lens we can travel to the remote and magnificent places where our artisans live and work. 



Hello. My name is Gianni, I was lucky to be born and raised in the Andes, where I believe in Pachamama, or Mother Earth, and in the Apus, the spirit of the mountains. I also believe in offerings, which I deem important for life.

I'm interested in resorting to the essence, observing simplicity, looking deep, talking slowly, understanding history, traveling to the unknown, and breathing with confidence. I’m also curious about the ancestral consciousness of indigenous peoples, their worldview, and their respect for the land and the health of our rivers and seas. 

I fully believe that respect for land and water is an essential source of life, and is something that should be cultivated throughout the world. I try to sow that seed with my work. 

More about Gianni >>